Thoughts for a Summer Afternoon Part 1: Picnics


By Lauren Dickinson

A fashionable madhatter picnic at the Prix de Diane in Chantilly, France

Generally speaking, the idea of a picnic sounds romantic but the reality of preparing and packing one tends to ruin the feeling of spontaneity that ought to be the point. Now The New York Times’ Mark Bittman has published a list of “101 Picnic Dishes to Make in 20 Minutes” full of fantastic ideas for a quick gourmet picnic. Recipes like peach and tomato salad and fava bean and ricotta sandwiches take advantage of what’s currently in your farmers market without undo fuss. All you need to add is a bottle of wine…

Now that Americans have recovered from the association of pink wine with White Zinfandel (shudder) they are discovering the perfection that is a bottle of rosé on a hot summer day. Conjuring up visions of long lunches in Provence and the glamour of Saint Tropez, rosé is surging in popularity-in France it has now surpassed white wine in terms of sale.  Colors range from the palest salmon to the deepest pink depending on the style and varietal. There are excellent versions being produced all across France, in Spain, California, and Argentina. The light body and high acidity pair easily with a range of food, and all work well on a picnic blanket in the park.

6 Responses to “Thoughts for a Summer Afternoon Part 1: Picnics”

  1. 1 Cathrina Sevos

    Hi Lauren,

    Loved the blog and I shall look up the 101 picnic ideas. Hope you are having time for lots of picnics this summer — with some wonderful French wines.

    Warm regards,
    Cathrina and Jean-Pierre

  2. 3 Anonymous

    It was timely for me to browse through Emily’s website, as I am just about to go to the store to pick up things for a picnic at a polo match this afternoon! I will certainly try out some of these 101 picnic ideas. Thanks for the tip!

    Cheers to picnics in The Heath,
    Caroline Bryant

    PS. I was just in Southern Portugal where I became a fan (in a big way) of Matheus rose.

    • Vaya theme más iatnesionmrpe!!!Gracias por añadirle el soporte de Widgets al unsleepaple.Por cierto, genial el nuevo aspecto de Lo has hecho tú??Fantástico, de mayor quiero ser como yukei!!! jajajajaja

  3. Not sure. I’d rather just have a blkneat and a bag. That way after I lay out my blkneat, I still have the bag, not all of my stuff just lying around willy nilly. A folded blkneat looks easier to carry too.Plus, I’d still have to carry a cooler, with this thing slung on my shoulder.

    • Dans le cadre d’Octobre Nume9rique, rencontres de la cre9ation, de l’innovation et de l’e9conomie.Samedi 9 octrboe 2010 de 15 h e0 17 h 30Salle Master Class 2 Grande Halle d’ArlesParc des Ateliers 33 avenue Victor Hugo 13200 ArlesEntre9e libreLe jeu vide9o : repre9sentations et re9alite9s depuis plus de quarante ansCette table-ronde organise9e par La Cyber Nostra re9unit des intervenants issus d’univers diffe9rents mais comple9mentaires : universitaires, critiques d’art et curateurs d’exposition, spe9cialiste de l’interactivite9, e9diteur et repre9sentant du syndicat national des jeux vide9os, responsable d’e9cole de re9alisation de jeux vide9o, organisateur de jeux en re9seau.Le de9bat portera sur le jeu vide9o e0 travers son histoire, ses e9volutions, ses de9tournements esthe9tiques et artistiques. Les aspects pe9dagogiques, socie9taux et e9conomiques seront traite9s pour informer le public des dernie8res avance9es de la filie8re.IntervenantsLaure CASALINI, directrice de l’e9cole de jeux vide9o Supinfogame, Valenciennes.Margherita BALZERANI, curateur et critique d’art spe9cialise9e dans le de9tournement esthe9tique des jeux vide9o et des mondes virtuels dans l’art contemporain, directrice artistique du Festival ATOPIC, Paris.Julie MIGUIRDITCHIAN, curateur et spe9cialiste des arts nume9riques, Digitalarti, Paris.Jean-Pierre CECCALDI, organisateur de LAN, DreamHack, Sue8de.Robert PUJADE, directeur de l’IUT d’Arles, maeetre de confe9rences e0 l’universite9 de Provence of9 il enseigne l’esthe9tique.Corinne DELL’ACCIO, spe9cialiste des arts interactifs et de la demoscene, Paris.Thierry PLATON, pre9sident de Gamesud, membre du conseil d’administration du SNJV, directeur de cre9ation de BiP media, Hye8res.Joeblle LONGHI, auteur du Guide anti-crise des ados (novembre 2010), journaliste, spe9cialiste des proble9matiques psychologiques des enfants, Arles.Mode9rateur : Robert PUJADE.Contact organisateur :06 83 36 64 49La Cyber NostraMaison des Industries Culturelles et c9diteurs7 rue Yvan Audouard 13200 Arles – France

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